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RunAs power, easy and safe to do a script.
"RunAs power, a script was easy and safe."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: TqcRunas strong all the necessary features are stored in encrypted files can run the runas command, administrators, and a command to start a simple runas command does let in a secure way. TqcRunas
2007.1 Edition New features include:
A document-oriented interface * GUI TqcRunas now.
* TqcRunas documents (. Tqc files may be) that can be edited by the creator.
* Skill in practice the user's current death records to a profile session.
* Mapped drives and printers also automatically log the current user session will be mapped and executed program is available.
* Many settings control the behavior of the program was carried out were included.
* Ability to double the use of digital certificates to encrypt runas settings.
* Now it is possible to pass arguments to the encrypted file. <Br> * TqcRunas now only one module: TqcRunas.exe you can download free TqcRunas 2007.1 now.
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